Top 9 Stand-Up-And-Applaud Movie Scenes
There are times in a movie theater, or on a dvd, that I’ll actually applaud; be it with the characters on screen, with the people next to me, or just for my own one man audience. Scenes that are so good that not only are they eternally etched in my mind—I will (well, except for…
Keepin’ It Real
Reality Filming has a long, sordid history and in recent years it has both blessed and threatened the television and movie industry. Reality TV, for example—and with no judgment on my part—has given us American Idol, Survivor, Jerry Springer, Cops and PBS’s Manor House. Some of these shows have managed to dethrone traditional television dramas…
Wife Reviews: Horton Hears A Who
I doubt this will be a permanent feature to my blog and if it remains, it’ll probably show up as often and as regularly as I post (heh). That being said, here’s my wife Laura reviewing the movie Horton Hears A Who.
Winter Trailers I’m Sure You’ve All Seen
But I wanted to embed them here anyway:
Good News Film Reviews Movie Meme
MCF tagged me on this Good News Film Reviews Movie Meme so I figured I should surprise him and actually do this thing. I probably won’t tag anyone else since it’d be less embarrassing than tagging and have no one respond.
Junk and…Well Junk
Warning: there be spoilers in these waters. What was the last thing I spoke about? I don’t even remember anymore. It’s been a frighteningly busy couple of weeks jam packed with meetings, designing, freelance, and Vacation Bible School. Worst I even became part of this theological discussion site that is so absurdly addicting that I…
Testpig Movies: The Bus Stop
Rock Monster
It was a fun movie but the HT for finding the video online goes to Brian.
Survival Tips: Zombies
We have trained. We have learned. We have been exposed to enough zombie movies to understand how life will be when the Dead become Undead but even so, watching all these films, we note that people make the same stupid mistakes. Therefore, this post is written for you folk during a zombie situation and have…