An Open Letter to The School District
I read this last night at our school board meeting. I also crossposted it at the CFA site. Ladies and Gentleman of the board—thank you for giving me this opportunity to say some words. Words: developed from language because we, as people, thought that conveying information was valuable. Words, which I wrote (and am now…
10 Reasons Why We Home School
Upon revealing that my wife and I home school our children, we find ourselves in heavy crossfire with an emphasis on us doing wrong by our kids. It’s interesting that the harshest attacks come from (1) single people, (2) childless people, (3) old people who grew up during an age where schools were still good,…
5 Stupid Reasons Not To Home School (and Do Public School Instead)
In defensive discussions justifying my parental rights and educational choices for my children, I often find myself repeating my lists of reasons. I have 10 solid reasons why we home-school, which I was going to post today, but then I had an internal struggle. What if people (as they sometimes do) started offering some responses…