Season Openers 2008
Obviously there’s been too much on so I figured I would just compile a list.Also there will likely be spoilers.
How I Met Your Mother and Burgers: The Marshall Burger Speech
How I Met Your Mother is probably one of the funniest sitcoms on TV today standing happily next to 30 Rock. It intelligently delves into a wide range of references without overtly giving the credit to the reference making it funny on two enjoyable levels. Look at this speech, lifted straight from the 1984 Amadeus…
Terminator: TSCC Season Opener
Spoilers after the jump.
Junk and…Well Junk
Warning: there be spoilers in these waters. What was the last thing I spoke about? I don’t even remember anymore. It’s been a frighteningly busy couple of weeks jam packed with meetings, designing, freelance, and Vacation Bible School. Worst I even became part of this theological discussion site that is so absurdly addicting that I…
Links N’ Junk 28
tv. Lawrence explains the Scrubs “Finale” media. Worst comic book villain names. The Jedi Church faces its first tribulation (and here): Vader. Speaking of Vader, he’s feeling blue (ht:kottke). apocalypse. Houston overrun by electronics-eating ants. tek. Pretty girls get whatever they want: I can’t imagine anyone sending me a MacBook Air (He said jealously). Akira…
Numbers Comments On Lost (with Spoilers)
Tonight on Numbers, Charlie Eppes (childhood math genius now young, dynamic genius professor/mathematician) made an interesting statement that I think relates nicely with Lost. In this episode a soldier’s family was kidnapped to bring the soldier out of hiding (for some reason: presumably revenge). The Soldier came out of hiding to hunt down the kidnapper…
Lost: The Shape of Things to Come
This post and subsequent comments will contain spoilers.