Three years ago my son was spoiled by his first dentist visit. The building looked like the receiving department of an order fulfillment company but once you stepped through the beat up door you were in a world of color, games and fun. Toys dominated the waiting area and were piled across the floor while counters of lego sported client creations. Attractive dental assistants introduced themselves over the din of arcade booths while the equally attractive dentists conversed with kids in the back.
Our new dental practice has no games in the waiting area (although it does sport a ton of wooden rocking chairs), the dental assistants vary in appeal and most of the actual dentists have beards! With this extreme change of atmosphere my five year was (understandably) afraid.
They asked; they bribed; they cajoled, then begged and (almost) threatened but he refused to keep his mouth open. At one point he reached up and pulled suction from his mouth