Tag: christian carnival ii

  • Christian Carnival

      Welcome to the February 15, 2012 edition of christian carnival ii. Chris Price presents Black History Month–Church History from the Voice of a Former Slave posted at American Church History. Frank Distad presents The Regretful Benchwarmer posted at Mission Blog.   apologetics Christian Carnival presents Win the Man, Not the Argument posted at The…

  • Christian Carnival 408

        Nothing fancy for this Carnival, so I’ll lead with the standard welcome to the December 7, 2011 edition of the Christian Carnival! More after the jump. Chris Price presents American Churches and Racism posted at American Church History, saying, “Why is racism still an issue in churches? It’s a thread throughout church history.”…

  • Christian Carnival: Mad Light Edition

      Welcome to the August 17, 2011 edition of christian carnival. Aoide-Melete-Mneme presents Thoughts on I Peter posted at à la mode de les Muses. Annette presents Thinking out loud posted at Fish and Cans, saying, “a response to a blog post about raising a lad.” Violet N. presents Bulldog faith posted at Other Food:…