Links N’ Junk: Summer Glau Edition

6 responses to “Links N’ Junk: Summer Glau Edition”

  1. I don’t have a clue where to get the stuff. I bet MCF will find out, post three or four links and then correct our spelling of Sulpher by explaining in long arid terms the phonetic usage of U over E after specific consonants. He will also simultaneously note how surprised he was to find out that Hexafluoride was actually spelled correctly.

  2. You’re scaring me. First, you beat me to a Texas Twister reference in that e-mail thread the other day, and now you accurately predict how I would respond to Sulfer Hexafluoride, effectively nullifying any response on my part. You put a chip in my brain when we stayed with Rob a few weeks ago, didn’t you?

  3. So I just inadvertently watched the renewed mind video while the Summer Glau song was playing in another track; HIGHLY recommended…at times they seemed to almost synch up…

  4. Okay I did it. It was freakish. I then fast forwarded the renewed mind bit to rewatch the Solo Dance Breakout for about the 10th time.