Author: Rey

  • Match Point

    Any reader of MCF’s site will immediately become aware of a passive paranoia and an actively nourished neuroticism. It makes his nick of the world wide web all the more entertaining and thus has us seeking for more. He’s great, he’s incredibly funny and always engaging—and it’s always great to see him turn red under…

  • I Would Rather Die…

    Samurai (bushi), Ancient Japan’s military elite, would rather die in battle than get caught and bring dishonor to their master. In some cases, this death would come by their own sword by performing seppuku, a ritual suicide by means of cutting the abdomen not reserved for the Battlefield but not restricted from it either. The…

  • Rey’s Reviews: The Summer Season

    I’m getting fat. After eating way too late and sitting down for an hour and a half of solid commentary reading, I wind up laying on the sofa looking at something. Sometimes Something is playing at the same time as Something Else so I wind up DVR’ing it adding to my increasing weight. Feeling the…

  • Links N’ Junk Again

    What happens when you take all of your personal information and stuff it in an RFID chip? Epassport coming to a country near you. Wal-mart embraced RFID quicker than most. Plans to merge with Skynet Google have yet to be announced. Apple and Nike plan make huge strides in Ipod tech. Buying a car? Make…

  • Random Pix

    The first is a shot I took a few nights back around midnight. I had the exposure sorta high so it might look like the sun. The second shot is my son’s artwork. Or cakes. He was baking (with sand) and set this up on the brick partition in the back of my house. It’s…

  • The Bugs Strike Back

    I can’t believe it. After several failed attempts at my home (and my blog, curse them) the bugs have launched a soft-target campaign. I guess they realized that the bug spray I put down was a bit too hefty (although it hasn’t stopped them from breaching my air space). Instead they have unearthed a specialized…

  • MCF’s Blog Party: Returns

    MCF asked “What are the best things in your life that have returned?” for his blog party. Well, Jesus didn’t come back yet though I’m waiting. I never had a pet that could get lost to begin with: fish seldom run away from bowls. The books that people have borrowed remain borrowed. I haven’t even…

  • General’s Journal: A Bug’s Life

    Colony Date 1,657,234. Hour: Bright The Human Male Drone has been active. In the early Bright, we’ve noted a repeated watering of points of incursion along the perimeter of his colony. There’s no soil there or plants so we have found it all very perplexing. Said activity began after the Queen Human and one of…

  • Superman Returns

    There are people who will write a point by point review of Superman Returns while linking to actor names and obscure references (coff: Mcf). I just want to document the thoughts and feelings I had before, during and after watching the movie. This post does contain spoilers.

  • Scare Tactics

    It’s strange that I love scaring people. See, I was often afraid being exposed to Jaws (still afraid of the Ocean), Devil Dog (okay, it stank but that was a long time and it was a hell hound!), and the Exorcist (despite the effects, sleep went on vacation for 14 solid days and I still…