Sy: Song and Story
My boy composed a song (coconut-tree.mp3) that I had to record so I played the guitar for him while he sang the tune: it’s called Coconut Tree. Also, he wrote (or drew) a nice story about his visit to the radiologist for a CAT scan: I’ll let him tell it (with my notes in italics).
Rey’s Dream Doodles: Batman and Robin
Nothing to post, just something I was drawing while the kids were eating lunch. Same deal, one semi-big shot, then a thumbnail that links to the full size image.
Rey’s Dream Doodles: Ghost-Rider
I’ll include a thumbnail that links to a full size image and a medium sample that will be on the page for those who don’t want to bother.
Rey’s Dream Doodles: Spiderman
Rey’s Dream-Doodles: Gambit
Once upon the time I had aspirations to be a comic book artist but quickly realized that 1) Comics are ridiculously hard to get into and 2) there are people way better than me. With that, I decided to incorporate drawing into my designs and it’s proved pretty effective thus far. But now, while having…