How I’m Voting in 2012 or Why You Shouldn’t Vote Third Party This Year
I wanted to quickly list my reasons for voting for Romney and not voting for Obama, why I’m not voting for a third party (and why you shouldn’t either)Â and my prediction of who will win.
How Should A Christian Act Under A President He Didn’t Want?
A lot of Democrats (including those of the Christian persuasion) have been making a lot of noise about Obama winning the Presidency. They haven’t been making as much noise about a Democrat House and Senate but the noise has been there nevertheless. At points some of these same people (Christians included) come up to me…
Links and Junk: Politics
palin. Blip on the radar: Palin cleared but no one notices (except maybe Jeremy who gets the hat tip). voting. A Couple of black panthers (ninjas?) with clubs look scary in a Philadelphia voting locale. Cops show up, shoo one away (the other lives there). Fox News here. CNN Here. (HT: The write Jerry and…