How I’m Voting in 2012 or Why You Shouldn’t Vote Third Party This Year
I wanted to quickly list my reasons for voting for Romney and not voting for Obama, why I’m not voting for a third party (and why you shouldn’t either)Â and my prediction of who will win.
State of The Union 2010
The other day was the President’s State of the Union address. Some folk have questioned why I’m uneasy after hearing it and I wanted to put up some of my reasoning. Don’t get me wrong, I think President Obama said some good things, and he did a great job of keying in on the heat…
Prepackaged Town Halls?
Chip Reid and Helen Thomas against Robert Gibbs at the daily press briefing on the “tightly controlled” town hall meeting. Gibbs keeps saying “let’s have this discussion after the meeting.” Also look at how she grills George Bush and how he answers. Video after the jump.
A Message Of Hope From The Eye
Obama: President of the Harvard Law Review
This has come up enough times that I thought I should say something about it. Folk like to raise the Obama Harvard Law Review thing to prove scholarly level of intelligence and qualification. Thing is, I don’t think people have to do that. They should point to the fact that he went to Columbia and…
Jeremy Pierce, Barack Obama and Abortion
Take 15 minutes. Go read this. Also read the comments. Honestly, you don’t have to participate but Jeremy does an excellent job of thinking through the issues as do his commenters. Barack Obama has basically declared himself incompetent to make any judgments on one of the key issues of our day, and I have to…
Fact Checking Obama
This is straight lifted off of FactCheck.org and there will likely be one for McCain soon enough. (HT: Daniel) Obama said he could “pay for every dime” of his spending and tax cut proposals “by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens.” That’s wrong – his proposed tax increases on upper-income individuals are key components of…