Category: christ
Crucified With Christ Graphic
Rey Reynoso original. Technorati Tags: crucified, galatians 2:20, graphic
The Deity of Christ In the Synoptic Writers
A warning: this section is very messy. This entire series was pretty much sifting what I’ve been studying and trying to slap it into some sort of form that others can read but this execution is, admittedly, less refined (if … Continue reading →
Paul on the Deity of Christ
Divorcing Paul’s message from the message of the Gospels is strange. Mark worked with Paul and Barnabas and there are some arguments that he actually records the testimony of Peter; Luke was a historian who traveled with Paul and compiled … Continue reading →
John On the Deity of Christ
Now that we’ve been brought back to the very point of the Apostles, it would be helpful to look at the writings of the last remaining apostle by the time of the early church fathers: John. The evidence seems clear … Continue reading →
Early Church On Jesus’ Deity
Right up front, some of these guys are making a good point. To read the text through the lens of later theological developments winds up ignoring what the text is actually saying. So in some sense, they are (at least … Continue reading →
Jesus, God and the Gospel of Men
The idea reads something like this: obviously, the Church at Nicaea believed Jesus was the Son of God in terms of deity, but the authors of the Bible didn’t think in that category. They believed Jesus to be Son of … Continue reading →
How To Prepare For Change
Remember the beginning of T2? A dark road running into the distance; Sarah Connor’s voiceover speaking about the inevitable an impending future? The movie ends the same way but this time she’s talking about the openness of the future since things have changed. Instead of depression she’s speaking in hope. Good thing Sarah Connor didn’t…
King Jesus Over Us
If we find that we have not trusted in the only one with authority, the one who has already conquered, the one who will return again we are actually his enemies. We are the ones who are standing in opposition to His Kingdom. The clarion call of the Gospel is Repent! The Kingdom of God…
Jesus: A King Who Conquers
Christ isn’t some weakling who is just waiting for people to repent while he bites his nails hoping they do. Paul says that Christ must reign until all his enemies are made his footstool (1 Cor 15:25). We see a war waged against the Lamb and he personally conquers over his enemies because of who…
Jesus And His Kingdom
The father of the house might call himself King over the home and we get what he’s saying. In the home, Dad’s Rule reigns. How far will Husband get with Wifey if he says “Woman, I am King in this house”? Or what about the teenager who has on the door of his room “King…