Heroes: Wow 2

That episode was Off. The. Meter. Or the Scale. Or the Chain. Whatever…it was fantastic.

7 responses to “Heroes: Wow 2”

  1. “That episode was Off.”

    I was ready to defend it until I read the rest of your post. Why do I always skim, lol.

    Anyway, yeah, I agree. “Waffles!”

  2. Ok Rey, I’ve managed to keep my regular viewing to ‘Lost’ and ‘Battlestar Galactica’. If you keep pumping ‘Heroes’ like this I’ll be forced to start downloading back episodes from iTunes… :)

  3. Ok, I only have one thing that annoys me. I can tolerate that opening sequence. I can’t stand the placement of the subtitles when Hiro is speaking Japanese. Sometimes, it’s hard to read.

  4. Brian: Lost and Battlestar have been phenom this year so I wouldn’t disparage that. But I gotta say, Heroes stands up there for me.

    TheGreek: I haven’t had that much problem with reading Hiro’s subtitles for some reason. But the opening sequence really grates.

    MCF: Up. Up. And Away!

  5. Is D.L. the same guy as the evil guy’s sidekick? And was he invisible there in the house when the blond walked past?

    Dang, I need a Heroes help site.

  6. Two different (bald black) actors. Jimmy Jean-Louis is playing the clean slate metahuman assisting the Bad Glasses Man. Leonard Roberts, whom Buffy fans may remember as Riley\’s pal Forrest from the Initiative, is playing Niki\’s husband. He\’s also played a Kryptonian on the last two Smallville season premieres. The coming attractions for next week offer insight into what his deal is, but I know Rey would consider that a spoiler so I can\’t elaborate here. You might find more clues on the NBC website.
    For the most part, I don\’t have a problem with the subtitles. There were one or two spots, like in the diner with the lighter colored windows behind them, where it was a little tough. Eventually, I may pick up Japanese at this rate. Hiro certainly got his phonics hooked pretty fast.

    Which opening sequence are we discussing? The one where the announcer recaps the previous episode and basically does a commercial for the one we\’re about to see anyway, or the one where Mohinder blahblahblah\’s about evolution and man\’s yadayadayada destiny? Either way, I kind of blur out until real plot appears onscreen.