Heroes Bloody Wow

I mean, seriously. Wow. (fyi: the comments will be soiled with spoilers but please, don’t talk about anything you saw in the previews…i don’t watch them.)

11 responses to “Heroes Bloody Wow”

  1. Yeah, so do my wife and I. The way he was tapping into every single power while Darth Vadering Isaac was amazing (and now that Sylar has that whole noise thing, all Peter has to do is stomp loudly…heh).

  2. Aaaack! I read the comments anyway and I’m still three episodes behind. Just more motivation to get on the NBC website and get caught up.

  3. I’m wondering how long it will be before “brilliant” Mohinder catches on.

    “Sylar must have the same list we do! We’ve visited seventeen metahumans so far, and each time they’ve been violently murdered the night after we met them while I was asleep and you were technically unaccounted for but clearly sleeping in the next room. If only I could unlock his secret…”

    I can’t wait for Darth Emo to take on the brain-draining CTU techie though; we really need a solid power-on-power battle and that would be the ultimate. Meanwhile, Hiro’s secret ability seems to be conjuring geek icons like Sulu and Stan the Man…can Mark Hamill be far behind?

  4. After this week’s episode, Lost sucks.

    There, I said it.

    That episode blew my mind and my tear ducts, and I can’t believe you haven’t started a new post yet but maybe you haven’t seen it, so I’ll stop typing now, but WHOA.

    Maybe “Heroes Bloody Wow” just needs to be perpetually the first post on here with an ongoing thread.

  5. Ok, finally got caught up and just finished watching last night’s episode. I think I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. And that last scene… man!

    Rey, if you haven’t seen this yet then watch it soon.