
There will most likely be spoilers so that

2 responses to “Transformers”

  1. It’s going to take me DAYS to compose a review, and not just because of my regularly scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday features.

    “More than meets the eye” was uttered about two or three times too many. Loved the scene with the screaming woman. Starscream as a fearsome lieutenant screaming down on retreating Autobots–I’m fairly certain that’s extremely faithful to his old tech specs description. The humor could have been trimmed in spots, notably the middle, but overall this is (coming from an oldschool G1 TF geek) the best new film of 2007.

  2. I loved the movie, and unlike other people, was not bothered by the extended scene in Sam’s backyard. It gave me a chance to catch my breath, and it also highlighted the difficulty the Autobots would have in melding into our world (plus, it let them ramp up the urgency of needed what Sam had and how he was key to finding the cube).

    To my recollection, I only heard “more than meets the eye” twice – once from Sam at the beginning and once from Prime at the end. But I could be wrong on that.



    The only problem I had with the movie is one little “logic/reality” flaw – the US Government would never merely allow the Autobots to go, and perhaps even would have risked a conflict with them to gain their technology. Of course, that could have been handled with a little scene (or maybe in Prime’s ending soliloquy) along the lines of the Sec. of Defense having a conversation with Prime:

    SoD: “We would sure love to study you, or have your help.”

    Prime: “No can do, and I don’t think you want to risk fighting us.”

    SoD: “Would you like fries with that?”

    But I think this is a forgivable oversight when compared to the 2-plus hours of robot action!