Janet Wants More Friends

While checking my RSS reader I noticed that Janet discovered most of her old blogging friends have closed the doors or at the very least dimmed the lights to their corner of the WWW. She probably even stopped here and got the (wrong) impression that I either died, was done blogging, or worst, lost my sense of humor.

Neither is true though there is a kernel of truth nested there.

The new baby is having problems sleeping so death by exhaustion is immanent. In a zombie-like haze I tend to come up with weird theories like “maybe I should quit sleeping so I’m not woken up as much.”

To the chagrin of the blogosphere I’m still plugging along, hitting about a post a week at both my blogs (Bible Archive and here): it’s been difficult. Mostly semi-delusional introspection or uploading a picture that I don’t remember drawing.

And my sense of humor (spelled sarcasm or snarkiness or sadistic) is still here except its turned more at myself (so I guess that winds up being cynical or self-deprecating or masochistic).

That being said I highly recommend a blogging buddy for Janet that is an interesting read (though it contains few words), is funny because the blogger is funny-looking (and that sounds so ridiculously rehashed but honestly, if anyone has seen him in real life they’d know why I laugh at him), and he posts regularly.

Janet, meet my buddy b13: he takes purdee pictures.

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2 responses to “Janet Wants More Friends”

  1. Thanks Rey! I’ve been to Janet’s blog on occasion but thanks for the props and the traffic detour. The end of this month will mark one full year of blogging for me. I currently have 225 posts with 169 consecutive days of posting :) And to think this started as an “occasional” post. LOL

  2. Ok, the visit to B13 has been made. Although we have crossed paths before, he was recommended to me twice so I couldn’t exactly ignore that.

    I’m glad that you are still blogging. Life does get in the way sometimes, I can attest to that, but the blogging game seems to be a tough crowd regardless.