Spoilers below
Not for nothing, I played it back like three times and it really sounded like she said “Eric” and not “Aaron”. If she did say “Eric” why the ominous music? I mean, even if it was Sawyer’s the name Eric wouldn’t immediately ring bells. If she said “Aaron” why the uchk sound in the end: does she have a weird guteral speech defect? And why wouldn’t Jack want to see him, he was just a baby?
11 responses to “Lost: Ominous Music”
I heard Aaron… How are are your speakers? Maybe your subwoofer’s busted :P You have digital cable? Maybe the uchk was your signal breaking up?
I thought she said ‘Mujibur’
I think she said Aaron too, and they were hitting us over the head with the foreshadowing when Kate was spending all that time with Claire. “Can you hold him?”/”Oh I’m not good with babies”, meanwhile the flashforwards keep referencing her son.
Two possibilities for Jack’s weirdness:
1) It is Claire’s Aaron, Jack knows that Claire is(was?) his half-sister in the flashforward, and he doesn’t want to be reminded. If Kate has Aaron then something bad happened to Claire, either she dies or she was one of the ones left behind on the island for some reason. I have no clue why only 6 returned and why they’re keeping quiet about the others. It’d be pretty messed up to off a mom, but without Chaaalie maybe the writers don’t have much to do with her character?
2) It does look like a little Sawyer, so maybe it IS his and Kate’s baby, which is why Jack wouldn’t want to see him. Why name the kid Aaron? Maybe both Claire and the baby are lost/left behind? It makes less sense than theory 1.
I wonder if the baby counts as one of the Oceanic Six? And why did Jack specifically say 8 survived the crash if 6 are home in the future? Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid….Aaron and Claire? Two others and the baby doesn’t count? They told people Claire was one of the 8 that survived initially then died, explaining how Kate comes home with the baby?
Maybe I’m reading too much into it and she said “Arab”, although it didn’t look like Sayid’s kid. ;-)
Oh, and how awesome was Locke this week? From his gleeful “I just killed a CHICKEN!” to sticking a live grenade in Miles’ mouth, there were some great Locke moments.
Locke was nuts and like rationally nuts. I was afraid that he was going to punish Kate next for hanging out in perfectly fitted newly discovered (yet very Now) lingerie.
I listened to the episode anew and I’m very happy that she did indeed say Aaron. Apparently there was a hiccup on my dvr that caused the ugchk sound at the end.
I still don’t buy why Jack wouldn’t want to see the kid. Like if he found out it was his nephew that’s more reason to go see him unless he was personally involved in Claire’s death or rape or Lostness, I can’t see that sort of anguish about going to someone’s house to see a baby.
We also know that although Ben survived he wasn’t ever part of Oceanic Flight 815 so he’s a hidden survivor. That would make the survival of Desmond (and any one else not on that flight) a real possibility. It could also mean that there’s a category for Non-Flighters to be included in the roster.
So if Aaron counts the fifth, whoever was in the crate (who I think is Locke) would be the 6th.
Now if Baby Aaron doesn’t count as one of the 6 then that would allow Locke to still be in the crate and Sun or Michael (who I think is Ben’s Guy on the Boat) to be number 6.
And if Person in Crate is not one of the 6, say Ben who dies in JackFuture then that would allow five and six to be Sun and Michael or Sun and Jin or Michael and Walt.
But I don’t think Walt at all since he’s a Demon Child manipulating the Geomagnetic Waylines of the Island.
And how funny is it hearing FutureJack Kate’s “He’ll wonder where I’ve gone.” in light of this current revelation. I thought she was talking about being with an angry and scary Sayid.
I had thought Michael was in the box. I’d like to think Locke remains on the island as its “protector” and has a happy ending, given how much his life sucked before the crash. Mike could be the eighth initial survivor along with Claire, which frees two other spots if Aaron doesn’t count as one of the “Oceanic Six”. Another possibility now is Sayid if he’s Ben’s assassin, maybe he was operating out of that bad neighborhood near the end and was seen as as much a traitor as Michael even though he was working to protect everyone. Maybe Jack’s the only one who visits him because he feels guilty.
And that’s the thing about Shepherd. He feels responsible for that whole flock, from the moment he woke up on the island and started running around saving everybody. So whether or not he’s directly responsible for what happens to Claire or anyone else, his personality is such that he’d FEEL the responsibility and guilt.
Is Lost on then? I need to get on the torrents…
crikey, this is a lot of spoilers for you then, JP. abc.com has the episodes as well although their player is sometimes dumb.
Actually, I didn’t read the post close enough to really absorb anything you said. No offense. ;^)
I did what I normally do, do an episode guide search and saw that the show indeed began a few weeks ago! Have started downloading them all and should be good to go in a day or two.
And by the way, those network players don’t work overseas – I think they’re afraid we’ll make pirated DVDs out of them or something.
lol, none taken.
Not surprised about the network players: they don’t work well on this side of the pond either. heh heh.