Lost: A Penny For Your Thoughts

Do I even have to say it at this point? Spoilers below.

How cool is it that while everyone else’s story propelled forward into the future, the one character that was constantly being propelled into the future was stuck in the past? Also, I don’t think they could’ve made a more endearing story than the love-song of Desmond and Penelope.

I know we can get metaphorical with Faraday but honestly, does he care about Desmond so much (like Desmond cares for Penny) that Desmond winds up being his constant? I wonder whose arms Desmond ran to after walking out from PastPenny….

Oh, completely aside: I feel a little bit, just a tiny bit of reflux in my mouth whenever I see commercials for Oprah’s Big Giveaway. Maybe that’s too strong a statement but there’s something really warped about seeing people crying while Oprah gives.

6 responses to “Lost: A Penny For Your Thoughts”

  1. Man, that phone conversation at the end…got something in my eye…hope those crazy kids get together…

    I’m thinking the reason Daniel was weeping back when they showed him watching the 815 “wreckage” being recovered, is because he either thought he lost his chance at finding his constant or because everything was coming true and he realized it. Clearly he exposed himself to radiation and was already a mess in 1997, not protecting his head. Or he’s not leaping at all, but just caused some other damage and while brilliant, is hanging on to dwindling sanity. Maybe the bit with the cards last week wasn’t a psychic test, but one for memory. He could be a loon, which could be dangerous.

    I also loved “you guys must have a friend on this boat” which makes the Michael theory even more obvious and STILL no payoff. I thought for sure he’d show up at the end with an old fashioned “theytookmysongimmebackmahsonwheresmahsonWAAAAAAALT”

    People shouldn’t complain that the show doesn’t explain anything, because when it does it’s so worth it. 2-3 years ago we saw Penny asking Des in the stadium where he was training why he never calls, and now we find out. I love when we see the writers have a plan.

    I kept looking for significance in the various numbers that appeared. I mentioned to Phil that Widmore’s bidding number was 755, and he immediately recognized it as a Unix code for “owner can read and write”. Interesting that he buys the Black Rock book in light of that, eh?

    The Oprah segue was weird. It was like YOUR consiousness leapt for a moment bruthah…

  2. I was just talking to our old buddy Sue about that. This show, smarter than anything on tv, does an awesome job of explaining some major stuff while simultaneously drawing us deeper into the story.

  3. I’m all caught up now so I can actually read what you write about Lost. Of course, I have to wait a day or two until I’ve downloaded and watched it…

  4. Finally got to see this episode last night. The webcast via abc.com is remarkably good quality. A few thoughts

    – I’ve gotta agree that the Des/Penny love story is the best one in the show. If the writers kill off either one of them I’m gonna be quite upset.

    – I like the sarcastic, full-of-hubris Juliette. We need to see more of her. She and Charlotte are going to have it out before too long.

    – I’m wondering why it took Farraday’s rocket a couple of hours to reach the island but it took the helicopter a day?

    – I like a good sci-fi plot as much as the next guy but I really don’t want time travel to become a central theme in the show. As an affect of the island, sure, but don’t use it to explain everything.

    Oh, and not to geek out too much, but 755 is owner read/write/execute, group read/execute, world read/execute.