Last night was like a five course meal for us Losties. Likely spoilers below.
Okay, awesome EW article here with references to spare. HT: Susan. Go read it but ignore her site since she didn’t talk about it there, only through AIM.
Who thinks Claire is dead, raise of hands? Who thinks she’s a psycho demon with plans of wiping out the space-time continuum? Who thinks Jacob is Locke? Who thinks Richard and Abaddon are really creepy? How funny was genocidal Ben sharing a candy bar with Hurley?
7 responses to “Lost: Cabin Fever”
I hope Claire’s not dead but she was definitely acting like part of the afterlife club. Maybe she got more than her “bell rung” in that explosion, died of injuries later and Christian came along to collect her.
I looked at the candy bar scene from the other perspective, not genocidal Ben sharing with Hurley but Hurley being such a good-natured lug by contrast he’d share with anyone sitting next to him. He has that quality to pull people together.
It was definitely creepy when Abbadon had Locke sitting at the top of the stairs like that. And for some reason he gives this vibe that I expect his eyes to flash like a Goa’Uld. Richard isn’t creepy because I still think of his sitcom role on Suddenly Sooo–sssen. I’m still wondering if he’s ageless or leaping through time.
Jacob…Locke in the future? Safeguarding the island by guiding his past self to make sure history plays out a certain way? I also had to remind my dad as we were watching the timeline with the doctor getting his throat slit, and how when they got the radio message about the body washing up he wasn’t dead yet. Talk about different time zones. Move the island? When or where?
One of the more connect-the-dots while raising-more-questions episodes in a while.
Oh, and now that I’m reading the EW article I’m really wondering who ran down Locke’s mom. It seems like every step in his life was orchestrated to guide his destiny to the island. If he’s Jacob, does he go back in time to try to take himself out, or make sure he gets adopted and goes on that path? Is there a Butterfly Effect thing going on?
And I loved the origin of “Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do!” I was waiting for it through the counselors entire “can’t” speech. Locke just keeps getting these great origin stories, just when you think they’ve told all they can tell.
EDIT: So I finished the article and looked up Kevin Durand, who plays Keamy cos he’s looking familiar. He’s been in a few movies, but was also the Goa’Uld Zapacna, so there’s the SG-1 connection that I sensed with Abbadon. Oddly enough, Durand is slated to play Blob in next year’s Wolverine: Origins movie. With CGI, anybody can play anybody I guess. I’m liking him more and more as a villain though; he’s like this year’s Eyepatch.
His toothy grin makes him feel like a real jerk: perfect casting in Lost and Origins. I’m imagining the Blob doing that toothy grin and guffawing.
Hmm, Jacob is Locke? That’s an intriguing possibility. Yes, I think Claire’s dead. She had that “I have all the answers now” look that all dead-not dead people have. At least in Hollywood.
When I saw Abaddon (have we seen him before?), I exclaimed, “The Haitian!” Oh wait, wrong show.
Oh, and during the candy bar scene, all I could think was, “Eat it slowly!” I mean, sure, DI left a lot of food, but still – savor it, guys!
When I saw Abaddon (have we seen him before?), I exclaimed, “The Haitian!” Oh wait, wrong show.
Okay, I was just drinking and now I’m choking and sputtering that was so funny.
Well it would answer a lot of questions.
(It’d give the wrong answers, but still…)
If it’s not the Haitian, then it must be DL. Did he phase into the hospital? ;-)
Abbadon is the Oceanic guy that hired Naomi; we’ve seen him a few times this season. He’s key in helping Widmore cover up the loss of 815, and now we see the head of Oceanic was the one who told Locke to go to Australia in the first place.