Prisonbreak Season Opener

Spoilers after the jump.

  • Whistler’s awesome plan ends in Samuel Jackson fashion.
  • Sarah decides she wants to live, so she reattaches her head.
  • L.J. becomes 32 years old over a period of 3 weeks.
  • The gang becomes Oceans 11 with Bellick and Sucre as the comedic brothers.
  • Alex becomes the most maligned character since Duncan Idaho.
  • Michael tries to telepathically read into the future and has a nosebleed.
  • Token Asian hacker is introduced into the cast. He hasn’t performed any Martial Arts yet but he has used cute dumbing down language to metaphorically explain the breadth of complex coding. “Imagine a pizza pie; we just have a slice!”

All in all, it was a bit fast-paced, some things over the top, but fun.

One response to “Prisonbreak Season Opener”

  1. It was obvious, but I still literally LOL’d at “Did you have some bad Mexican or something?”

    Also liked Mahone complaining to Bellick that he had to slow down to not catch him.

    Entertaining as ever, with the usual need to suspend disbelief(1 day full body tattoo removal, convenient burning down of Sona to free up all the characters for this season’s plot, etc.). The unnecessary pizza analogy bothered me too; I’m pretty sure there are plenty of ways to say “we just got a fraction of it” that the average joe viewer would understand.

    Always glad to see Michael Rapaport, and it will interesting to see a season of the team breaking IN to places. And while Michael’s subtle dizzy spell with Rapaport and later nosebleed might foreshadow something nefarious like a brain tumor, I think we long-time fans all know that it’s the result of squinting for four seasons. That’s bound to take its toll…