I’ve still been doing this thing; I’m trying to persevere. As I have done so there have been some days that I fell into a rut with something that I found bearable and other days that I summoned something Awful onto my breakfast table. Here’s a basic overview.
Brian was right: Boiling water added to the Instant Oats (particularly the apple and cinnamon packages) is many times better than cooking it on the stove top. I could actually use two packets of the stuff and only about half a cup of hot water and it winds up almost tasty.
Someone had suggested Maple Syrup and it didn’t cover the Awful. To try to rectify this I put maple syrup on each spoonful. Soon, I was soaring: speaking at about a hundred words per minute; jumping to go off and do some more work; changing diapers while cleaning the living room; deciding that maybe I should rewrite my book; finally crashing at 10:30 AM on the couch.
No one had suggested it but I decided to try semi-sweet chocolate chips and raisins. I had summoned Awful and I was sure that I was going to die. I’m not sure if I finished this bowl.
For some reason, everyone in my house has taken a hankering to eating all of my raisin packets. With the cupboards bare I decided to make a bowl of Oats (not instant; stovetop) with half a packet of Instant Vanilla Pudding. I used water….
…I feel like puking just thinking about it. It was this sort of silky-slash-slimy concoction with a semi-texture of coagulated lumps of oats. The flavor was bland and my wife, noting that I didn’t use milk for the pudding, made a gagging face when I told her about it.
Don’t try it.