Category: reviews

  • Superman Returns

    There are people who will write a point by point review of Superman Returns while linking to actor names and obscure references (coff: Mcf). I just want to document the thoughts and feelings I had before, during and after watching the movie. This post does contain spoilers.

  • Dungeons and Dragons: The Warrior Requiem

    I was one of the geeks that got good grades so that I could play Dungeons and Dragons. I loved the game and really only started to dislike it when I noticed how addicted other people got with it. At that point, I quit—but I still watched the cartoon.

  • Dirty Rotten Apple Core

    Bites. Stinks. Pure garbage. Junk. Pick a euphemism. I count the works of Apple nothing but skubalon (google: Philippians 3:8 + skubalon). Before Mac-Geekdom retaliates with sworn allegiance to Jobs and hire a PC programmer to launch a DOS (denial of service, MCF) attack against my UNIX server, note the apple marks on my hand:…

  • Don’t Fear The Blogger

    I was surfing the web the other day and came across a blogger (I completely lost the link or even the method I got to it) who posted the song “Don’t Fear the Reaper” by Elliot Smith wondering what the song was about. One of his commentors said the song was about living in the…

  • Painting the Town

    Stop. Do not go to your local paint shop. You are not ready. You might have your tools all set up and your finishes all picked out—but your missing one of the most important details: what brand of paint to use.

  • American Idol and Train Wrecks

    This post has nothing to do with train wrecks. Train wrecks are horrible things. When over fifty tons of steel and glass are hurled down feeble tracks at speeds as high as one hundred and sixty miles per hour towards a wall or a similar oncoming vehicle, everyone should be scared. Or horrified. A similar…

  • Measure in Love

    I’m not a movie expert because I like Netflix. All of the people of my friend’s list can attest to the fact that I have some, um, interesting taste. It’s just that the last couple of years I’ve been seeing this funny tune pop up in movies touting the proper way to measure a worthwhile…