Category: reviews

  • Numbers Comments On Lost (with Spoilers)

    Tonight on Numbers, Charlie Eppes (childhood math genius now young, dynamic genius professor/mathematician) made an interesting statement that I think relates nicely with Lost. In this episode a soldier’s family was kidnapped to bring the soldier out of hiding (for some reason: presumably revenge). The Soldier came out of hiding to hunt down the kidnapper…

  • Lost: The Shape of Things to Come

    This post and subsequent comments will contain spoilers.

  • Creating Character Emotions by Ann Hood

    With my nightstand off balance from the amount of books unevenly distributed on its warping surface, I normally wind up taking some notes on what I’m reading, just in case everything topples over and throws off my reading. Sometimes with those notes, I decide to post them online–specifically at the Bible Archive and on…

  • Doomed to Cancellation?

    Recently one of my favorite shows, Jericho, was pulled back from the brink of the cancellation abyss. It was one of those shows with a small loyal following, which gets canceled then comes back harder, better, faster and stronger. Unfortunately it didn’t get to that point until two episodes before its demise and thus ended…

  • Lost: A Penny For Your Thoughts

    Do I even have to say it at this point? Spoilers below.

  • American IDrool: My American Idol Picks

    Another winter, another season of American Idol. I can’t stand this show that invariably draws me in from another room in the house and forces me to hate and love some of the performers. I mean honestly, I’m so done with this show taking away valuable script writing time (okay, someone wrote in and the…

  • Lost: Ominous Music

    Spoilers below

  • …At the Diner On The Corner

    “You’ve been here two years and you haven’t eaten there yet?” How could I answer? I’m a stay-at-home art director who works off-site for ESPN. I can easily take an hour lunch at the restaurant up the block: I just haven’t felt motivated to. While driving, one witnesses Minivan Caravans canvassing miles of rural-dential property…

  • What’s Better: PS3 or 360?

    There is a certain (skewed) comfort in knowing that most of your writing maintains a sense of undistinguished obscurity. Odd, I know, but it allows a level of freedom not found in the Shakespeare’s of the internet. As such a person of my diminished caliber can stop, look over the landscape and unashamedly open up…

  • Apple Stuff 2008

    Steve unveils the new airbook (absurdly sexy, ridiculously thin and absurdly stupid without an optical drive and without the ability to change your battery); iPhone gets some features it should’ve had anyway; Apple decides to make us pay for stuff that should’ve been on the iPod Touch anyway (and which was put on it for…