Category: reviews

  • Mandatory Post-NH-Primaries…um…Post

    Politics: I don’t like it. I try to avoid talking about it because I find that people get more heated about their Presidential hopeful than they do about the person of Christ or if Buddhism actually works

  • Pushing Paper and Chucking Rocks

    This sort of thing happens all the time. Billions of light years from earth some white dwarf of a star finally collapses, its immense gravity and mass inverting until it forms a singularity in space, pulling all things, including light, into itself. These singularities, popularly known as Black Holes, remain distinctly unobserved by people except…

  • Janet Wants More Friends

    While checking my RSS reader I noticed that Janet discovered most of her old blogging friends have closed the doors or at the very least dimmed the lights to their corner of the WWW. She probably even stopped here and got the (wrong) impression that I either died, was done blogging, or worst, lost my…

  • Great Performances

    Last weeks Tell It To Me Tuesday kicked my buddy MCF into a late reply and when I saw his list I was motivated to do it as well. And I mean, super motivated since performances rose up from my subconscious mind demanding to be replayed. So here they are:

  • Harry Potter Book 7: The Deathly Hallows

    There might be spoilers down below because I can’t control comments. I specifically stayed off the web when my book came in and waited until I could actually read (and finish) it before getting back online. All I will say is this: “Bloody Wow.”

  • I Heart Psych

  • Transformers

    There will most likely be spoilers so that

  • Bobby

    Spoiler warning, I guess. Every now and then a movie comes along that has a wide cast of characters portrayed by outstanding actors and following a story line that intertwines various plot threads to collide with the main theme. Sometimes, when this sort of thing happens you have movies like Crash.

  • Heroes: Wow Once Again

    Yeah, seriously what a great episode. And what a great commercial! There might be spoilers in the comments.

  • Heroes Bloody Wow

    I mean, seriously. Wow. (fyi: the comments will be soiled with spoilers but please, don’t talk about anything you saw in the previews…i don’t watch them.)