Category: reviews

  • Shotgun Reviews 2

    A scattering of stuff I’ve seen (or listened to or ate or read, etc.) that I’ve considered writing individual posts about, realized no one would care and decided to jot something down for memory’s sake. This is the second installment.

  • DiddyTV

    I was going to just update my Links N’ Junk but this really deserved it’s own exclusive highlight post: DiddyTV. He “bought a channel on YouTube”. LisaNova wasted no time on blasting him. Definitely watch PDiddy’s first.

  • Links N’ Junk 11

    Fuzzy Theology. I believe in the second coming but I don’t think this Paul Rodriguez look a like fits the bill as he calls himself Jesus Christ and spouts completely anti-Biblical things like “there is no such thing as sin”. Web. 25Gigs of free online storage by AMD. ::raises glass:: Now all they need to…

  • Apple Keynote: Taking Over Your iLife

    iPod: 60% brigher screen. Increased battery life (which it desperately needed). New headphones. Gapless playback on digital music (matching their (old) iTunes feature of crossfade slightly). Instant searching for music. You can play games on the iPod now (albeit sucky ones when you consider what PSP has but their point is to ad a perk…

  • Shotgun Reviews

    A scattering of stuff I’ve seen (or listened to or ate or read, etc) that I’ve considered writing individual posts, realized no one would care and decided to jot something down for my memories sake. Silent Hill: Horrifying. Couldn’t sleep. I hope I can sleep tonight… High School Musical: Surprisingly fun. I guess I should…

  • Blade The Series Rocks

    Remember when I said this show had potential for some of the secondary characters and that Blade (StickyFingaz) is just there for the hack and slash factor? I’m happy to say that I was wrong. This post will contain spoilers in every shape way and form.

  • 80’s Cartoon Meme

    1. One ‘80s Cartoon that changed your life: None of them really changed my life, sorry. If someone put a gun to my head I’d say “Dungeons & Dragons” (links to my movie adaptation) because of its cool factor but that’s about it. I liked Sci Fi before D&D. 2. One ‘80s Cartoon that you…

  • The Smurf Movie: Dark Blue

    The Greek mentioned in yesterday’s Smurf discussion an upcoming trilogy previously under the working title of Smurfs Return. I have managed to get an inside scoop via my deep connections in the industry. I don’t want to divulge any information about my secret source, but he’s definitely in the know. We’ll just refer to his…

  • Smurfs vs Hobbits

    Recently MCF posited a scenario: Smurfs vs. Hobbits. After several submitted articles across a very small corner of the blogosphere, the results came in with most voting for Hobbits due to their size. Many would say “they can crush the smurf, forthwith.” MCF on the other hand stood with the Smurfs and pointed out that…

  • Rey’s Reviews: The Summer Season

    I’m getting fat. After eating way too late and sitting down for an hour and a half of solid commentary reading, I wind up laying on the sofa looking at something. Sometimes Something is playing at the same time as Something Else so I wind up DVR’ing it adding to my increasing weight. Feeling the…