Apple WWDC 2009

No, I’m not there but I’m following the live feed on The Apple Blog and Gizmodo:

  • 15″ Macbook Pro, 7 hour battery life with an SD card slot ($1699).
  • 13″ MacBook now MacBookPro, with unibody, SD Card, 8GB of memory, up to 500GB or 256GB SSD drive with backlet keyboard and FW800. $1199
  • Uber model 17″ with 500GB HD, at $2499. Yup, still can’t buy a Macbook Pro.
  • New Safari does purdee things that are meh. Plugin crash that stops the plugin, not the browser.
  • Quicktime X rebuilt from the ground up. Big woop.
  • Snow Leopard (Leopard users: $29 single/$49 Family) running all major OSX apps in 64 bit coming out December (Windows 7 should be out October, in case you’re wondering).
  • Ms Exchange Support built into Mail, iCal and Address book. This was a Duh, no brainer. Should’ve had that long ago.
  • iPhone OS 3.0: 100 new features. cut/copy/paste across aps. Shake phone for undo. Landscape keyboard. MMS available but AT&T MMS later this summer (HA!) HTTP Streaming AV. Javascript performance boost. HTML 5. Form auto-fill.
  • iTunes rentals available for iPhone.
  • iPhone Tethering now available over USB or Bluetooth. AT&T doesn’t support it at launch (HA!)
  • Find My iPhone (new feature): your iPhone floats from the ether, or at least tells MobileMe ($99 per year) where it is. Your family and friends can also track you down with it. (SkyNet coming soon)
  • A bunch of boring iPhone Ap stuff. Some random announcment of 16gb 3GS iPhone ($199) and 32GB iphone 3GS  ($299) and the base 3G model remaining at $99.
  • No Camera on the front of the iPhone. bah.

All in all, no big woop. Maybe some ups for OS3.0 but, with a jailbroken iTouch I’m not overly hyped.

2 responses to “Apple WWDC 2009”

  1. Ah, I was pretty impressed, but yet also bummed to not have the camera on the front! I wanted them to announce a pairing with Verizon (since they would not mention AT&T from time to time)…I want an iPhone wicked bad, but the $99 isn’t the problem…it’s the at least $70 a month that kills me! PalmPre or the next Google phone might be in my future…