Blade The Series Rocks

Remember when I said this show had potential for some of the secondary characters and that Blade (StickyFingaz) is just there for the hack and slash factor? I’m happy to say that I was wrong. This post will contain spoilers in every shape way and form.

Not about the secondary character bit. They’re doing an excellent job of developing Krista and pitting her in every moral dilemma that comes with being a full-fledged night-dwelling vampire and still a traitor to the Vampire cause. She has the concerns of being a war and still having a family that she cares for—unlike Blade who is just a weapon.

But why is he so driven?

The show delves into that. This last episode I looked at had one of Blade’s enemies hunting down people in his past: a cop that helped him, an old asian guy that made him love the Samurai, a nurse that filled the role of his mother by acquiring blood for Blade Boy, and his struggling father who loves his son but is afraid of him. At one point his old man tells the nurse that she’s going to have to start drawing from him again if she can’t acquire any more blood. Outstanding.

But by far, my favorite scene had to be when the father, the nurse and the cop realize that they can’t handle Blade alone and they call in this guy with a reputation. The young punk Whistler comes in with a ton of Blade gear and gives them their options: kill him now before the thirst fully grips him or let Whistler take him and forge him as a weapon.

Blade, locked in chains in his bedroom hears all this and proceeds to destroy cinder blocks and crush the bones in his hands to escape. He dives out of the window and runs to the old asian guys store where he finds all the samurai gear and hears the old guy whimpering behind a closed door to the shouts of “Open the safe.” He enters the room, sees his friend, then launches himself the thugs; tears one of their throats oat, breaks one of their arms and turns their own gun against them. Whistler comes running in and pulls out his gun to end Blade and Blade-Boy turns with a powerful kick to Whistlers leg!

They are completely showing how Blade was forged into the old steel he is today.

Update: Crikey, Blade is fighting the vampire who killed all of his old saviors and is about to kill him. The vampire is wrapped on Blade ready to bite his throat out when his father shows up (long story) and takes Blades weapon and stabs him (and the Vampire). The Vampire is immediately ashed and Blade is left huffing. This show is great.

2 responses to “Blade The Series Rocks”

  1. […] I’m sorry. That post the other day about Blade: The Series was such a fankids rave that I can’t even go back to check the thing for spelling errors. It was like this total geek out moment while watching the show with a keyboard way too close to me. In the future I hope to keep such things separate with the goal of writing something less play-by-play than that horror-post but I make no promises. So as to prevent anymore Dork-Side geek outs, I’m going to post some pictures of work in my brother’s new house. […]