Heroes: Wow

Okay, the Cheerleader/Supergirl is still my fave but Hiro went up some MAJOR points after this weeks episode. Who is your favorite and why? If there are comments there will be spoilers.

9 responses to “Heroes: Wow”


    The Rainman bit was hilarious. And FutureHiro; holycrap that was awesome. I’ve appreciated the character for a while, both for being a diehard comic geek embracing and controlling his abilities, and for the potential he has to be the most powerful one. Claire is awesome too, and how horrible is it that the jock just dumped her in the river? I think the whole episode though was a nod to Spider-man learning to use his powers for good after letting the burglar run by while he capitalized on his abilities. Ando’s interpretation of “Is it cheating when he sells pictures of Spider-man?” was him getting the wrong message. It was great to see Claire get her revenge, but not the way a hero behaves. The guys eventually pay for cheating in the casino. And Niki’s alterego compromising her morals to save her son may be something she regrets later as well, although it was also great to see how her powers actually work.

    I’d say my top three are Hiro, Claire, and Peter. Peter has as much potential as Hiro, should he learn to control his “Synch” abilities. In the subway before FutureHiro showed up, I thought Peter had done that and I was trying to figure out when he’d come in contact with Hiro. I think after Hiro he’s the most idealistic, and will be the heart of the team. I think Nathan may eventually come around as well. They’re playing up what a jerk he is now, to his brother, and how he fools around on his wife in Vegas, but I suspect they’re building his character to a turning point. I love that they’re all so realistic. Most people don’t discover powers, throw on spandex, and fight crime. They’re all clearly human.

    And Ali Larter is freaking hot. Palavering Platanos!

  2. Along the theme of shades of gray among our heroes, I want to add that Isaac must eventually learn he doesn’t need the heroin to paint the future. When Peter did his sketch in the hospital, he couldn’t have been on more than mild painkillers. I think it’s all about relaxing your consciousness and he’ll have to recognize the crutch the drugs have become. I think his statement of hubris about “I’m going to save everyone” is definitely foreboding, and he’s due for an awakening.

  3. And Niki’s alterego compromising her morals to save her son may be something she regrets later as well…

    Along the theme of shades of gray among our heroes, I want to add that Isaac must eventually learn he doesn’t need the heroin to paint the future.

    If the show really wants to play grown-up it would be nice to underscore the idea that a hero isn’t necessarily a Stan Lee icon of moral good but a person who despite everything puts him or herself in the line of fire for another. The characters are refreshingly flawed and it makes their heroism all the more powerful.

    That’s why I can allow someone like Hiro to be geeky-idealistic. If anything Future Hiro with a frakkin’ samurai blade over his shoulder and mentioning Peter’s scar seemed to be someone who realized that being a hero isn’t some game: it’s serious.

    It’s the other reason I liked what Claire did though was saddened that she really didn’t have an option (in this world anyway). She could send the guy to court but then she has no bruises. There could be several girls that take a stance against the guy but his speech proved he was going to get off. And although Claire has a heck of a healing factor she’s so far powerless. She can’t hit hard, she can’t defend herself, she doesn’t have any super speed–she can just really take a licking. I’m remind of Wolverine putting his fists against his own chest and extending the blades–but she doesn’t even have Wolvie’s other abilites!

    Isaac, although he bragged that he was going to save the world, when he went and bought those paints and delved into his vision the dude was going in with a purpose to do something to the detriment of his own body. Right now he sees no other options but he’s struggling along trying to stop a nightmare.

    Niki though is a problem because she’s not really heroic in any sense. Her alterego seems more careless and possessive than protective (I think Freud would say Niki is the Ego and AlterNiki is Id but her SuperEgo seems to be missing). It’s a seemingly fuzzy line but her going back into the hotel room, although it maybe helps with that whole debt thing, looked like She really wanted it so she did it. Niki on the other hand knew that there could be other ways to pay back and that this married guy was nice and she didn’t want to ruin him especially after her son’s haunting words. So although she seems to stand between danger and her son–she’s really defending Her Enjoyment from Everyone else.

    I would be afraid if Peter ever crosses her path….

  4. Whoa, Peter’s uninhibited side. A metahuman who can take on the powers of others, doing what he desires without remorse? Sounds like more fuel for the Peter-will-become-Sylar theory…that’s sick.

  5. Tangent: I wish they would just stop with the 10 minute intros. It’s like 6 minutes of recap then 4 minutes of Chandra’s kid waxing poetic about the wonders of Natural Selection.

  6. You guys are definitely way geekier than I. I’ll have to keep tuning in here to glean more about superheroes!

    Don’t really have a fave right now…maybe Hiro just cuz of the constipation face.

  7. Right after you said that JP, I reread the whole discussion and realized how High Geek it sounded. If Tolkien were penning this he’d even use runes.

  8. Ok, initially missed all the episodes when they aired. So, I got my hands on all four episodes and yesterday I ate a gyro (properly pronounced hee-ro) and watched Hiro on Heroes. I’m now hooked.

  9. Chiming in…
    On Peter David’s blog, he refers to Claire as “Cheerverine” (I love it!), and Peter as “RePeter” because he can repeat the abilities of others…

    I love this show… Hiro Rocks!

    I wish the cop character would get some more development beyond (Hi honey, let’s make this work).

    The politician (I never can remember his name): what’s your take on his future? Good guy or bad guy? Also: I loved his landing at the diner – the look on his face was great. Kind of a cross between “Oh sh**!!” and “Hey, this is kinda cool…” and “whoa whoa whoa, how do I stop?!”