Warning: there be spoilers in these waters. What was the last thing I spoke about? I don’t even remember anymore. It’s been a frighteningly busy couple of weeks jam packed with meetings, designing, freelance, and Vacation Bible School. Worst I even became part of this theological discussion site that is so absurdly addicting that I haven’t had even the remotest time to stop, breath and post something more than a haiku.
Some things I would love to talk about would be:
The Battlestarr mid-season finale. I mean, okay, crazy that Saul came forward and admitted he was a cylon and then outed the rest of the team. Meanwhile Adama comes out in his own, special, quiet way as Junior rocks his crying form to sleep. Honestly, I understand that you’ve been dating this guy for 30 years but I don’t think the Old Man cried that hard when Human Civilization was on the brink of extinction. “Man, we were almost wiped out: that bites.” Versus “My buddy Saul is a Robot: why God why?” Anyway, kinda crazy that they get to the Planet of the Apes Earth and it’s been through the same thing as they have.
Indiana Jones. Okay, I had a good time for nostalgia’s sake and just the rocking adventure of having an Indy movie again (especially since we’ve been waiting for, like, ever-did you hear that in a valley girl voice? I did) but honestly, some things were really really silly. Okay, swinging through the jungle ala Tarzan may be considered over the top by some. Ants that are effectively Ark of the Covenant Face Melting Spirit Beings may be considered over the top by some others. Neither was particular crossing the line for me but I must admit, near the end I was actually waiting for Spielburg’s Close Encounter of a Third Kind mothership. Beside the fact that SG-1’s Thor was in charge of the whole thing that whole Extraterrestrial Thing seemed to vibe better for me when it was Extraterrestrial Angels or something. I don’t know, maybe Aliens have really become so boring-especially when the only person that I know who has done it right in recent years is M. Night Shyamalaniyangbingbong.
The Andromeda Strain TV Movie. Did you see it? Everybody gets sick. Lots of people die.
Tornadoes. Okay is it just me who thinks this but has Al Gore come in recent possession of the Weather Dominator? I mean why else would there be so many tornadoes outside of tornado season (and Valley?!?) while his Inconvenient Truth sits there quietly pointing the finger? Honestly, folks, we need to go stop him: Go Joe.
What’s Happening? Yeah, I didn’t see it yet so shut yer pie hole. Speaking of PieHole it’s nice to know that Pushing Daisies is coming back. Ooh, also, Eureka comes back this summer: July 29th and a new season of Scare Tactics hosted by the latest of insane hosts: Tracy Jordan Morgan (July 9th).
9 responses to “Junk and…Well Junk”
The best sentence in this entire piece is “Honestly, I understand that you’ve been dating this guy for 30 years but I don’t think the Old Man cried that hard when Human Civilization was on the brink of extinction”. If I was drinking something I would have done a spit-take. Kind of funny in light of his Han Solo in Empire-ish line of “about time” to Roslin last week(which I absolutely loved).
Save your Happening money for the Hulk. Seriously.
Indy watching Thor’s ship with all the rocks hovering is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen and brought back the early 80s late 70s wonder of Lucas/Spielberg. Any criticism I might have had melted like a Nazi’s face and I thought, “What refrigerator?” Definitely a fun nostalgia ride even if it wasn’t Raiders.
So would you describe the Happening as M.Knights final coffin nail?
Let’s just say that the Crappening is a more fitting title…
W-What?! Noooo….
Yeah go see the Hulk!
Yeah Scott, I plan to. I started reading your hulk post then closed my browser.
I think this summer is so bad with spoilers that I may have to avoid the blogosphere in general!
Really? The Hulk? I’m just having a hard time getting hyped up by the previews. I did see Iron Man which I thought was quite well done. Go see it if you haven’t. Downey and Paltrow do a great job and play well off of each other.
That I saw. I think I spent an hour gushing to MCF about it and that burnt me out for posting online. I fell in love with Paltrow (again).
When you see it, come back and discuss what you thought. I thought that with all the Hulk trailers I had seen it all, but I hadn’t.