Shotgun Reviews

A scattering of stuff I’ve seen (or listened to or ate or read, etc) that I’ve considered writing individual posts, realized no one would care and decided to jot something down for my memories sake.

  • Silent Hill: Horrifying. Couldn’t sleep. I hope I can sleep tonight…
  • High School Musical: Surprisingly fun. I guess I should see it in it’s totality instead of jumping to songs I like…
  • Sabretts Hot Dogs: Kinda high in sodium…not digging the flavor even post-grill
  • BBQ Grill: I would bow to your firey goodness but it’s idolatrous. Instead I’ll eat the meats offered to you.
  • Who Wants To Be A Superhero? Give me a break. Major Victory was such a better hero. Geeks would give a standing ovation though. Enforcer looks like a moronic chipmunk.
  • Eureka: What a great show; It just stays fun.
  • Blink: Great book but I’m gonna have to research your numbers buddy.
  • Star Wars Force Heretic. This rocks so far.
  • Duets: Lea Thompson is completely ageless and crikey, Xena looks and sings great.
  • Ella Enchanted: Cool. Can’t believe my wife thought that they created that arrangement over Queen. Just shows their classic rock goodness.
  • Les Choristes: Great movie and Great soundtrack.
  • Band of Brothers: Awesome One Time Watch. Heart wrenching.
  • Vanished: What a great show. Love how they follow the 24 thinking sans clock.
  • Prisonbreak: so far so good. Save the ridiculousness of now having a fully functional reunited severed hand. I bet in a few episodes some random alien will fire a laser canon at him to show the robotic innards before he slips a black glove on.
  • Ultimate Avengers 2: Man, the first one was better. They should’ve stuck to the comic more. This almost felt completely geared toward Avenger-Fans which I am not (until Ultimates). Still good though.

5 responses to “Shotgun Reviews”


    Silent Hill: How terrifying was it every time they shifted into Dark Silent Hill? Total Frying Pan into Fire moments, EVERY time. Did you catch the reference to the Konami cheat code when she was reading the map in the hospital?

    Superhero: After Ty’Veculus and Monkey Woman were ousted, my money was on Victory even though it would have been a campy return to the Greatest American Hero, which might not be exactly what Stan was looking to do. Weird thing is Victory has such an iconic Superman generic hero look to him that they used him on all the marketing. The DVD box is a shot of him in costume with his civilian pants around his ankles. Still, of the final too, I was really happy the geek won and not the joke. I really thought things were swinging in her favor, until I saw their respective movies. Hers was funny, and his had its funny bits, but you could see him getting serious and into the character.

    Prison Break is great now that they’re free. So many threads they can follow with all these characters on the outside, and Fichtner’s a great addition. I hope we see T-Bag with more limited use of that hand though. Otherwise, he may have put to sleep the world’s greatest vet. His character is still hardcore. I hated him when he was first on, but now I’m glad he’s a recurring character. I still hate him, but in a “this is a great villain” sort of way rather than “this skeevy guy adds nothing by skeeve” way.

    The animation seemed rushed in UA2, but I was blown away by some of the deaths. That first fight between T’Chaka and Kleiser was BRUTAL. I’ve always been an Avengers fan though. I wonder if they’ll do a third one. Strange and Iron Man should be good.

  2. “…of the final *two*”, sorry. Insert my usual gripe about comment sections needing preview buttons so I don’t look like an illiterate buffoon. :)

  3. It be the innernet. Mistakes don’t no matter.

    You’re right about the deaths in Avengers being cool but honestly they gave Giant Man way too much props. I really grew (sorry) to hate the guy.

  4. I wasn’t that overwhelmed by Ultimate Avengers 1. Ended up wishing I hadn’t blown 14 bucks on it and had, instead… uh, “borrowed” my friend’s back-up copy. I don’t intend to buy UA2 and from your reaction i doubt I’ll even rent it.

  5. You won’t miss much, honestly. Even the Thor scenes (who I love) were pithy and contrived. I didn’t think it was possible to do that with him but they up and did. A pity.