Shotgun Reviews 2

A scattering of stuff I’ve seen (or listened to or ate or read, etc.) that I’ve considered writing individual posts about, realized no one would care and decided to jot something down for memory’s sake. This is the second installment.

X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Horrible. Only 3 good things, 2 of them dealing with Magneto and one of them with Wolvie lifted from the 2nd Film. Honestly they really killed the trilogy.
Heroes. Great potential although sometimes it falls right into the GeekZone thus making me audibly groan. When it stays the course it rules.
The 9. Horrendous—please cancel.
Lost. Awesome, of course.
Star Wars: Dark Next Trilogy. Story wasn’t fantastic but I do like where they’re taking Han and Leia’s kid—Jacen—it’s going to get crazy….
Battlestar Galactica. Also Awesome.
1 Peter Commentary (Achtemeier). Good reading though the whole questioning Petrine authorship strikes me as strange.
Vanished. Remember when I said it was great? Well it fell off and now it really stinks.
Great show, great characters, annoying lethal weapon soundtrack.
Clay Aiken: Lover All Alone. iTunes exclusive song that I managed to get my hand on without purchasing the entire iTunes album (since I already pre-ordered the Clay CD—leave me alone) is fantastic.
Hellogoodbye: Here (In Your Arms). Great song with a classic 80’s feel from vocals to rhythm—definitely part of the Now Wave era (coined the phrase from PacDan).
Celebrity Duets. I can’t believe Carlton won…and then he didn’t even do the dance!


7 responses to “Shotgun Reviews 2”

  1. I’m going to try to watch Galactica online going forward. I caught the premiere on GoogleTube yesterday. That junk was sick with the stabbing at dinner, also the robot ambush at the end. I don’t know if I’d still be a robot fan if death machines were marching toward me like that. Sick junk.

  2. “Those frakking toasters are gonna’ get us!”
    “What we need here is some sort of Petrine authorship.”
    “What the frak are you talking about?!?!”

  3. Hellogoodbye’s song Oh, It Is Love is equally great, with some of the most romantic lyrics (without getting cloying) you’ll ever hear.

    And you have to check out The Decembrists new CD, The Crane Wife. Beautiful, original, bursting with energy and lyrics like this:
    “A briar-cradle rocks its babe to sleep/
    Its contents watched by Sycorax and Patagon in parallax”

  4. I just bought that “Oh, It is Love” song. Sampling the Decembrists “Crane Wife” right now and it sounds good so far. Thanks for the recommend.