The Dark Knight

Hands down, probably the best comic movie to date. Ledger was fantastic, Gyllenhaal was brilliant and outshone Tom Cruise’s girl. And the ending just really summed up what Batman is all about. The dude is dead up the dark knight. Spoilers most likely for the comments section.

5 responses to “The Dark Knight”

  1. This has to be the first time in recent memory that you’ve actually seen a theatrical movie before me. I read that the thing shattered midnight showing box office records already; I think Rob and the crew did a midnight show but I would have been a wreck at work after getting home at like 3:30 in the morning. I’m probably catching a Sunday matinee, so I guess I’ll be avoiding the comments here until then…

    I haven’t seen a single negative remark about this movie anywhere though; anticipation is high…

  2. Dude, my wife left the theater saying that it was fantastic and ledger was both hilarious and horrifying.

  3. I felt good enough to see a matinee today, and I’m so glad I did. We loved it, it was everything I could have hoped for in a sequel to Batman Begins. Ledger was great; GREAT. I feel so foolish for having opposed him in the role when he first got the part. And how about the job they did creating Two-Face? Just about the most revolting thing I’ve ever seen on the screen. Ultimately, though, this film took comic-book movies to a whole new level. Nolan and crew have really raised the bar. I’d like to think that the studios are telling themselves that they’ll never be able to throw together another “Fantastic 4” level piece of junk again.