Dungeons and Dragons: The Warrior Requiem

I was one of the geeks that got good grades so that I could play Dungeons and Dragons. I loved the game and really only started to dislike it when I noticed how addicted other people got with it. At that point, I quit—but I still watched the cartoon.

It was a great show. Hank the Ranger, Eric the Cavalier, Shiela the Thief, Presto the Magician, Diana the Acrobat and Bobby the Barbarian get sucked into a portal that takes them to the world of Dungeons and Dragons where they face off against the likes of Venger and Tiamat. Dungeon Master helps them as much as he can and the teens, equipped with magical weapons, fight hard make it through the realm. One episode they decided to kill Venger. Another, Presto actually managed to summon Tiamat (the only being that Venger fears) in the party’s defense.

It got me thinking: how great would it be to have a final closing movie. MCF kicked my casting call into gear by showing me the script for the final (unaired) episode. It’s got it all: angst, adventure, confrontation, revelation. Awesome. So I started going through and picking some people I would like to see have some say in the movie.


Director: Peter Jackson. With the likes of King Kong and The Lord of the Rings under his belt, this is the man to go to for epic films with big effects. I think the movie needs both.

Screenplay: Joss Whedon. The dude is solid with character development and intense action banter. I would love him take the D & D characters and have some good interplay going on.

Script: Michael Reaves. Credit where credit is due. He wrote Requiem so let’s use the story.

Music: John Williams. Superman. Back to the Future. Indiana Jones. Star Wars. Harry Potter. ET. Do I have to say anything else?

akt028.jpgHank: Heath Ledger. With good looks, natural charm, plus a decent build, we just can’t quit Heath because of a couple of lame movies. He makes a perfect leader for the group while being able to sidle into humor after being incredibly intense. I can’t quit you, Heath.

shoot17.jpgEric: Freddie Prinze Jr. Spoiled rich kid who sometimes vies for leadership within the group yet more often than not does something insanely heroic for his friends. Freddie has a nice clean look and yet has the soulful eyes that lets him look really frightened (or heroic) depending on the situation.

page1.jpgSheila: Alyson Hannigan. Though both were hot and wore purple, Sheila’s character was not Daphne. Sheila’s shyness, underscored by her skillset of becoming invisible, had an interesting interplay with her revealing clothing of mini-skirt and thigh-high boots. Alyson can easily be the cute-shy gal and the unbelievably sexy girl in one totally believable package.

GetRichOrDieTryin_26.jpgDiana: Joy Bryant. Athletic. Attitude. Attractive. This girl had an opinion and made it known and occasionally looked like she was falling for Eric. Maybe my imagination. And Joy Bryant fits in nicely—thanks MCF.

photohp4_7.jpgPresto: Daniel Radcliffe. I didn’t want to go there. I refused and kept searching but in all honesty Presto was Harry Potter except in green. Speaking of, I took some liberties with their outfits because I hate some of their colors. Don’t accuse Rowley of unoriginality yet (with that whole Presto – Potter bit). I’m sure there are other books and stuff that came before Potter that have marked similarities.

ddd20020322h.jpgBobby: Devin Douglas Dewitz. Seen this kid around here and there and I figured he’d make a good Bobby based on his look. Too bad he’s probably too old now.

bilbo.jpgDungeon Master: Ian Holm. After playing Bilbo I can easily see him as a little balding white haired guy in red. Who has unbelievable magic!

ralph fiennes 20x24.jpgVenger: Ralph Fiennes. Yeah, Voldemort is Venger except with a red cowl and a weird horn. Fiennes is perfect though. He just loves to play deliciously evil bad guys.

I figured Mark Hamill could come in as some NPC and it would be great to have Sarah Michelle Geller make an appearance as some sort of Slayer (that the geek-audience would simply adore). Andy Serkis should be in anything playing some sort of animated creature so if he plays Tiamat, fine by me.

Geek Question:

  1. What Happened to Uni?!?!?
    I hate Uni. I thought she/he was a confused gender My Little Pony that fell into the wrong show after someone tried to stab it with a horn. If Uni enters the story, it’ll be played by Gandalf’s Shadowfax. A full grown Unicorn Stallion.
  2. You’re not a real fan. How DARE you cast {Actors Name} as {Character}?
    Because I want to. Design your own poster. Heck, let’s make a game out of it.
  3. You dispensationalists are all the same! Dabbling with the Devil!
    Um…wrong site dude.
  4. But why would Uni be as big as a horse?!?! It’s supposed to be Bobby’s size! Like Equals! (ala MCF).
    Because a Pony would be retarded.

Got more posters? Link em up. Got more Geek questions? Post them up.

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6 responses to “Dungeons and Dragons: The Warrior Requiem”

  1. I don’t think I used anywhere near that amount of punctuation on the Uni question. :P I may have just made a statement that the 80s were full of comic relief cutesy sidekicks like Orko, Snarf, Slimer, etc., and an adaptation should be faithful. I honestly wouldn’t care though, because the rest of the casting is so on point. You found the perfect pic of Freddie Prinze for Eric and let’s face it; Presto is the original Harry Potter.

    I saw Joy Bryant in this straight-to-DVD thriller 3-Way starring Dominic (John Doe/Prison Break) Purcell and the chick from the first 2 Final Destination movies. Kind of a weak movie, but she was good and very sexy in it, and definitely had a Diana vibe.

    OK, Serkis should be a CGI Uni. You know it and I know it. You just don’t want to admit it. :)

  2. You have far too much time on your hands. I’ve done this with Atlas Shrugged, though, so I guess I’m pathetic too.

  3. […] 1. One ‘80s Cartoon that changed your life: None of them really changed my life, sorry. If someone put a gun to my head I’d say “Dungeons & Dragons” (links to my movie adaptation) because of its cool factor but that’s about it. I liked Sci Fi before D&D. […]

  4. I think you have it right. I would not have the time anymore to pick them but I couldn’t pick better I think. Too bad Ledger is passed. If I had the funds another one would be made.

    From a true fan

    PS-you can’t let the bad apples spoil it for you…just have to pick from a better orchard.