Heroes: Wow and Huh? (Spoilers)

spoilers after the more tag

Peter Quantum Leaps or becomes the apostle John? X-Factor goes rogue? What else has pop had to wipe out from wifey? Why does Peter have such a big cold? Huh? And a bloody dinosaur?

Update: I forgot to mention this last night, but I think erasing only a few people’s memory is a bad idea. MI-B seemed to do a better job of making sure lots of people had their minds wiped but in Heroes they seem to be wiping out 2 weeks from a few key characters which is problematic since these characters were so involved with things. For instance, Claire’s new BFF has his mind wiped and doesn’t remember the last two weeks but there’s a dead cheerleader with her head cut off, a bunch of geeks who voted for Claire as Homecoming Queen and they only did that because Zach motivated them which would be odd if now he suddenly hated her and never remembered being her bud.

The only solution (besides mind-wiping everyone) would be if they implant new memories but that doesn’t seem to be the case either since Claire’s brother couldn’t remember how he got home and implanting a memory of a standard procedure would be hugely easier than just making up some other explanation for events.


10 responses to “Heroes: Wow and Huh? (Spoilers)”

  1. “I’m going to have to find that sword.”

    Did he leap or have a vision? I wonder if he’s been retaining bits of other people’s abilities, and maybe through some combination of Matt and Isaac and Hiro’s powers sent his consciousness forward? Why was the city already deserted in that scenario? And while it’s obvious that around Claire his cold was better, it was worse when her father was in the room. Is he some kind of inhibitor?

    I love how Bennet is being fleshed out like Magneto to Papa Suresh’s Professor X. Not an outright villain, but doing things in the name of a greater good. January 22nd is soooo far away.

    Are you on the list?

  2. Yeah that’s why I said apostle John because it had elements of being a vision instead of just porting. That’s gonna need some serious explaining!

    I don’t understand why his cold got so hugely bad before hand though. It’s odd, because he seemed to start the stuff when he had a Sylar vision (which in itself is strange because we don’t know the full breadth of Sylars powers

  3. Suresh’s list of Heroes. “Are you on the list?” is probably the next slogan a la “Save the Cheerleader…Save the World.” Of course I won’t tell you anything that was in the actual commercial since if you didn’t hear the tagline, you probably skipped it.

    I think you’re right about Sylar. I forgot that he has much more than telekinesis. Maybe premonitions and visions are among his mixed bag too. Maybe Peter is sick because of all the powers he was exposed to in Sylar, and unnatural stolen powers rather than inherent ones, so it’s like corrupting him.

  4. I was thinking the same thing as MCF about the sickness. Like “Gabriel” said to the first hero he met – “You’re broken”. Maybe all the gifted ones are blessed at the expense of long lives – so I suppose having them all conk out whenever ratings dip would be a good way to close the series.

    And the memory wipes probably won’t be loose ends, since the story is going to move to New York and we’ll never see Zach or Claire’s mom and brother again for a while – if at all.

    How did Sylar get Eden to crash into the glass – because Haitian man had always been there before to inhibit his powers? And what’s up with Haitian man – is he actually good?

  5. Good points. Especially since they’re powers are fundamentally a DNA issue so Sylar’s changing his own DNA permanently is something peculair to him. But then comes Peter whose DNA changes in proximity to another meta-human and he encounters two: one who alters his own DNA and Claire who is only one encoded sequence. It’s gotta be a bad combo.

    And in the end, it would be a good “out” to have them die out from the mutation (like literal ticking time bombs) and they’re whole danger is that they can do so much damage during that period of change.

    The Sylar thing sure seemed to be the Hatian who was inhibiting unless MCF is right that Claire’s Dad has the inhibitor power (leaving the Hatian has more of a mind-control power). Another option could be that Sylar always had the ability to get out (underscored by Bennet being afraid of him and calling his superiors about him) but was specifically waiting for Eden to come to him. The power of persuasion is very powerful: able to take down someone like Sylar so well worth having.

  6. Oh and the mind-wipe thing, I get carried away with stuff like that (and time paradoxes) because they drive me nuts. Like Hiro went back in time to fix what happens later in the future but it didn’t change anything except that she got to like him earlier. But that’s not even the big one. The ones that drive me nuts is when someone goes back in time to help themselves out with something so that it creates this freakish temporal loop.

    I may have gone too far.

  7. The Haitian has always been around any time it’s implied that Bennett is doing something. In Six Months Ago, he tells Eden that her powers won’t work on him, but the camera cuts to the Haitian. In the police station, I think they cut to a shot of the Haitian lurking around the corner. Maybe it is Bennett, maybe not, I think it’s intentionally ambiguous.

    I think they’re all broken in some way. Charlie could remember everything but was dying of a brain tumor. Matt is reading minds, and we learn he’s dyslexic. Power comes with a price, and while Sylar carefully fit the DNA pieces together(I still have no idea how) like a precise watch, Peter was exposed and takes on everything. Does he meet up with Sprague and the radioactive powers overload him? Is it the combination of everyone’s powers? And what did saving Claire do besides keeping Sylar from becoming a healer? Why was she so apologetic when she ran up to Peter in the vision? And will Hiro go to the past, or will something bring a dino to the present?

    So many questions…Jan 22nd so far away…

  8. And maybe Matt’s nosebleed was because of trying too hard, or maybe he’s sick, too.

    And the official website says January 1, not January 22. Recap show or new one?

  9. Not so fast! The NBC website merely says, “Returns January 1.” Doesn’t imply that it will be a recap show. Although…the episode guide I found when googling did say that the 22nd was the broadcast date for the next one…