Tag: jesus as King

  • King Jesus Over Us

    If we find that we have not trusted in the only one with authority, the one who has already conquered, the one who will return again we are actually his enemies. We are the ones who are standing in opposition to His Kingdom. The clarion call of the Gospel is Repent! The Kingdom of God…

  • Jesus: A King Who Conquers

    Christ isn’t some weakling who is just waiting for people to repent while he bites his nails hoping they do. Paul says that Christ must reign until all his enemies are made his footstool (1 Cor 15:25). We see a war waged against the Lamb and he personally conquers over his enemies because of who…

  • Jesus And His Kingdom

    The father of the house might call himself King over the home and we get what he’s saying. In the home, Dad’s Rule reigns.  How far will Husband get with Wifey if he says “Woman, I am King in this house”? Or what about the teenager who has on the door of his room “King…

  • Jesus: The Revealed King

    In Lord of the Rings by the Christian author JRR Tolkien, a man lives in the wild. He is an ugly man, rough around the edges from long harsh years. But we discover that this man, out of all men, is actually of the lineage of the old Kings. By the end, he is revealed…

  • Jesus: A King by Birth

    We know the stories. A Kingdom has lost all of its royalty—be it by murderous intent or by lack of birth. The whole thing is in danger of collapsing. Suddenly, a living descendant to the throne is discovered, a king by birth, and he gets to rule as king. But it’s impossible to see Jesus…

  • Jesus: A Necessary King

    We know that Israel received prophecies of a King. For example you have as early as Numbers 24:17 where Balaam prophesies, against his will, the coming of a King. I see him, but not now;  I behold him, but not near; A star shall come forth from Jacob, A scepter shall rise from Israel, And…

  • Jesus: King of Righteousness

    While working through the book of Hebrews I’ve noted that the writer puts forth the point not only that Jesus is Priest (Heb 5), but that Jesus is King (Heb 1 and God and Man: Heb 2). He purposefully goes about looking at a historical figure, Melchizadek, who was both a king and a priest…