Category: quotables
Tweet Blog: Load-Bearing Words
Some words support multiple meanings; that doesn’t mean that every time a word is used it bears all meanings. Technorati Tags: context, tweet blog, words
Tweet Blog: Worrisome
Concern over a single termite looks nitpicky to two groups: those who don’t understand termites and termites. Technorati Tags: tweet blog
Tweet Blog: Inconceivable
Poetics examines the structure of text from the text; poetry is a type of structured text. Technorati Tags: creation, genesis, inconceivable, poetics, poetry, words mean something
Tweet Blog: Belief Biathlon
Constantly jumping hurdles to different beliefs doesn’t earn you the wiser, scientific, and more mature gold medal: it just makes you restless. Technorati Tags: beliefs, tweet blog
Tweet Blog: Hindsight of History
Just because you can look in your rear-view to see what you’ve driven over doesn’t mean that you should keep on going. Technorati Tags: hindsight, history, learning, past mistakes, tweet blog
Quotables: Douglas Moo on the Rapture
Every now and then I like posting something incisive that was written in the past because it speaks so well into the present. The sweet thing about this is that these guys, who are often waved away today, have dealt with a lot of the same issues while remaining simultaneously (by the modern mind) ignored.…
Quotables: Inspiration of the Original Autographs
Every now and then I like posting something incisive that was written in the past because it speaks so well into the present. The sweet thing about this is that these guys, who are often waved away today, have dealt with a lot of the same issues while remaining simultaneously (by the modern mind) ignored.…
Quotables: Irenaeus On The Real Heaven and Hell
Every now and then I like posting something incisive that was written in the past because it speaks so well into the present. The sweet thing about this is that these guys, who are often waved away today, have dealt with a lot of the same issues while remaining simultaneously (by the modern mind) ignored.…
Tweet Blog: False Teachers
You don’t trust the potential mugger calling you into a dark alley; don’t trust the teacher that says there are no more false teachers. Technorati Tags: false teachers, tweet blog
Quotables: Christ and OT Scriptures
Every now and then I like posting something incisive that was written in the past because it speaks so well into the present. The sweet thing about this is that these guys, who are often waved away today, have dealt with a lot of the same issues while remaining simultaneously (by the modern mind) ignored.…